Skills are what we do
We’re experts in building innovative, creative, custom-tailored programs to develop:
How to get jobs in today’s (and tomorrow’s) economy.
We do it all, from basic digital literacy to marketing, audiovisual production, and AI fundamentals.
The ways of thinking that help us keep pace with change.
We help upgrade critical thinking, problem solving, creativity, computational thinking, and more.
Our ability to connect as humans in a changing world.
Every program is infused with social-emotional support in the form of coaching and mentorship that treats each learner as an individual.
The Eidos Approach
Design of humanized learning experiences for a collaborative future.
The future is collaborative.
"We may go faster alone, but together we go further”.
This widely used phrase is, for the entire Eidos Global team, a fundamental part of our constellation of values. Collaborating is, from our perspective, the path to traverse and thrive in a reality that changes so rapidly and with the outlook of an uncertain future. With this in mind, we've decided to create a document that not only gathers our learnings from 15 years of designing educational experiences but also encompasses the knowledge gained from working alongside other organizations and individuals, in a process of collaboration and continuous improvement. The Eidos approach is open source and available for those who wish to use it as a reference or inspiration.
On a collective mission and under the motto of the Sustainable Development Goals of leaving no one behind, we promote lifelong learning opportunities. We hope you find it useful!
Agustín Batto Carol
Founder - Eidos Global
How do we design Humanized Learning Experiences?
It all starts by thinking about understanding human needs in teaching and learning, and thus placing the learner and the teacher at the center of the learning process.
It is key to remember that the teaching-learning process is extremely fragile and requires collaboration between the teacher and the one opening the door to learning. Emotions, context, technological resources, prior knowledge, everything interferes with whether a person is more or less predisposed to learn. Humanizing is creating a learning experience, organizing, dosing, and adapting the information so that knowledge becomes meaningful, even at a distance. It also involves knowing who is on the other side and being able to involve their real life in the situation of the virtual or face-to-face classroom.
Marcos pedagógicos
Aprendizaje significativo.
Aprendizaje situado.
Educación liberadora.
Habilidades humanas
(claves para futuros inciertos)
Inteligencia emocional.
Resolución de problemas complejos.
Comunicación y escucha activa.
Habilidades digitales.
Aprender a aprender.
Mindset glocal.
We have compiled our 15 years of educational experience design practices into a guide that summarizes how we think and how we create a perspective of 'Humanized Learning".
What is Humanized Learning?
At Eidos Global, the concept of humanity is the guiding principle that shapes how we teach, learn, and live.
Humanized learning at Eidos is based on the idea of embracing our human essence in the educational process. This involves being conscious and empathetic in all our interactions and learning environments. Self-awareness helps us better understand our own needs and emotions, while empathy connects us with the experiences and perspectives of others. In turn, this approach promotes sustainability and equity, empowering those who participate in our experiences to become purpose-driven agents of change. The proposal goes beyond binary thinking, fostering diversity and encouraging participants to take action in creating a better and more inclusive future.
Our approach in action.
Here we share the questions that guide our experience design,
the framework of the Eidos Approach put into practice.
Establishing a purpose
Include the context
Defining learning objectives
on people
Shape the experience: preferred ways of learning
Plan the journey: learning trajectory
Design the assessment and evidence of transformation